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So is Coconut Oil… Fat that helps you loose weight? Well let’s find out what the academics and professionals say… As we delve into this… Our discovery of coconut oil benefits! Here we go!

So Why All This Coconut Oil Hype?


So as attention from celebrities, social media influencers, mainstream media, nutritionists and doctors worldwide testify… Coconut oil benefits are attracting a lot more interest now… More than ever! Moreover, coconut oil is considered as one of the worlds most desired oils… Yes! Indeed current figures from statista.com reveal that globally a gargantuan 3.51 Million Metric Tons of coconut oil is being produced! So that’s a whopping 646 Billion, 14 Million, 4 Hundred and 21 Thousand, 7 Hundred and 28 teaspoons of coconut oil! Or 646,014,421,728 tsps. So that’s approximately 82.43 teaspoons of coconut oil each for every person on earth! But why would you have yours? What’s all the hype about?! So let’s find out! As we take a closer look at coconut oil benefits!

So What is Coconut Oil Anyways?


Firstly, coconut oil can be referred to as cocoanut oil. Or even as copra oil. Secondly, coconut oil is actually an edible oil. Whilst it can also be applied topically. Thirdly, coconut oil is attained from the kernel of coconuts of the coconut palm tree.

Additionally, coconut oil can be made in different ways. From them is cold pressing fresh or dry coconut kernel. Also known as coconut meat. Thereafter, the extracted coconut oil can be further filtered to remove any impurities.

Additionally, coconut oil is associated with a plethora of health benefits. And consequently, coconut oil is imported globally around the world. With the top importers (according to recent data from tridge.com) as follows:

All in all, a total global import value of $2.06 Billion USD was recorded for coconut oil last year! So this data supports coconut oils growing fame as a ‘miracle food’. Whilst, in recent years the demand for coconut oil has accelerated. Especially among western nations. And all this due largely… Or at least somewhat to coconut oils health benefits. Which are said, to include… Whilst not being limited to:

So, in glancing at this very brief list there’s no wonder why the coconut tree… Where coconuts and likewise coconut oil is obtained from, is called, ‘the tree of life’.

Introducing The Tree Of Life


This name being attributed to the Philippines. So naturally, any tree named the ‘tree of life’, automatically associates it with preserving or maintaining life. Right? And so, the coconut palm tree is no different. Additionally, its Sanskrit (a classical language) name further cements coconut oil benefits… By way of the coconut tree’s name in this language, “kalpa vriksha”, translating to ‘the palm which supplies all the necessities of life.’ And if that wasn’t enough… In Malay the coconut palm is named, “pokok seribu guna”. Which translates to ‘the tree of a thousand uses’.

So as we can deduce from these different names of the coconut tree… People in more than one locality… And in more than one epoch, have hailed the coconut palm tree a high hailing. Even attributing it to supplying the necessities of life! And in actuality the coconut is arguably one of the most important foods in some subtropical and tropical areas. Furthermore, and in such places… The coconut and its products (coconut oil, milk etc) are used daily within the general populous. For several uses. Like, hair treatment. Skin treatment. Traditional medicines. And as an ingredient in food and more. Therefore, we would expect a cascade of coconut oil benefits… And that’s just based upon the names people have given to the tree! So let’s look into it’s real name. Or rather it’s botanical one.

The Cocos nucifera L.


So that’s, Cocos nucifera Linn… Pronounced – Cocos – nuci – fera (Linn).

And the coconut tree is apparently the only living species of the genus Cocos. Whilst also being a member of the palm tree family. Also known as the Arecaceae family. Additionally, this palm is reportedly cultivated in over 90 countries worldwide. Whilst the production of the coconut is heavily situated in Asia. Furthermore, the coconut palm is known to be very unique. With its attributes including resilience. Albeit, it’s reported as withstanding different types of weather. As well as natural calamities. Also the coconut palm is known as versatile. Moreover, it’s reported as bearing fruit all year round. While, it’s reported that the coconut palm does, however prefer copious precipitation. As well as plenty of sunlight. Whilst, also thriving in sandy soils!

Additionally, coconut palm trees can grow up to 30 metres (100 feet) tall. Whilst it can produce 75 fruits per year. With each coconut palm living between 60-80years. However, it’s reported that 6 to 10 years are firstly required before a coconut palm can produce it’s first fruit. These, fruits or coconuts are not actually nuts… No, No! Rather, they are drupes or stone fruits…

Coconut Oil Properties


So as you most probably already know… Coconut oil is colorless. And has a fresh natural coconut aroma. Furthermore, and as academic investigation has established… Coconut oil is composed mainly of saturated fatty acids (SFAs). So these make up around 90% of coconut oil’s composition. Nevertheless, coconut oil reportedly contains, triacylglycerols (TAGs). As well as phospholipids, tocopherols, sterols and volatile substances. Which play a part in modulating the physical and chemical characteristics of coconut oil. Like coconut oil’s quick transformation from liquid to solid (and vice versa) within a short range.

However, a distinguishing feature of coconut oil should be highlighted… So coconut oil contains mostly small and medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). This contrasts to other saturated fats like animal fats. These are long chain triglycerides (LCTs). So when consumed, MCTs are readily assimilated into body and used up as energy. Whereas, LCTs firstly travel through the circulatory system. Thereafter, they can used as energy. However, this process leaves deposits in the tissue.

Now all this brings us nicely into the first of our coconut oil benefits. And a major one too. Something that at least 40% of the worlds population would be interested in… So what is it?!

Weight loss…

Coconut Oil For Weight Loss


So as we’ve established… Coconut oil is a rich source of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). Furthermore, MCTs are a type of saturated fat. And saturated fats can be divided into three sub-divisions. Or subgroups:

So, researchers of a recent academic investigation into the effects of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) on weight loss concluded:

“Replacement of LCTs with MCTs in the diet could potentially induce modest reductions in body weight…”

Additionally, in a recent clinical trial… Which investigated the effect of coconut oil on weight loss in men with obesity… Researchers concluded:

“Coconut oil… appears to have positive effects on HDL-cholesterol and the TC/HDL-cholesterol ratio in men with obesity.”

However, this conclusion would be in the case of coconut oil being incorporated into an isocaloric balanced diet. As researchers also mentioned.

Furthermore, Dr. Eric Berg DC mentions that medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) are a type of fat that doesn’t necessarily convert to fat. Rather, it’s used in the body as energy.

“And it’s really good to induce more fat burning. So it will help you loose weight. It’s a fat that helps you loose weight…”

So as we can see there is academic and professional information indicating to coconut oil benefits accommodating weight loss. However, researchers mention a need for more research to solidify coconut oils weight loss benefits. And moreover, it should be known that coconut oil is still a high calorie oil. Which may potentially lead to weight gain. If over-consumed.

So moving on in this… Our discovery of coconut oil benefits… Next up Energy!

Coconut Oil And Energy


So as we already know coconut oil is made up of around 90% saturated fats (SFAs). Furthermore, over 50% of the fats in coconut oil are medium chain fatty acids. And these are metabolized by our bodies differently. In comparison to long chain fatty acids. So short chain fatty acids… As well as most medium chain fatty acids (MCTs) are transported to the liver. Similar to how carbohydrates are transported.

Additionally, these short chain and medium chain fatty acids also supply energy more rapidly. Similar to carbohydrates again.

Furthermore, MCTs have long been incorporated into sports nutrition products for athletes who need a fast-acting source of energy.

Is Coconut Oil An Antimicrobial?


Firstly, the majority of coconut oils medium chain fatty acids is a substance called lauric acid. And it’s due to coconut oils fatty acid profile… And especially lauric acid, that bring academic reports of coconut oils antimicrobial… As well as antifungal properties. Especially against the following types of bacteria:

So coconut oils function as an antimicrobial is an excellent addition to coconut oil benefits. But it’s not enough for us here! Oh no…

Coconut Oil Benefits For Skin


So as you may already be aware coconut oil can be applied topically… Meaning onto the skin. Furthermore, there is a wealth of academic research supporting coconut oil benefits for your skin in multiple functions… Such as…

Blocking UV Rays?


So although the human skin is an effective barrier from sometimes harmful external exposures… This line of defense can benefit from being fortified. Especially against a formidable foe… Like solar ultra violet rays or radiation (UV Rays). So UV ray exposure can in fact bring about a plethora of unwanted harms. Such as:

So amazingly a recent study reported that coconut oil resists about 20% of UV rays! Whilst sesame oil was reported as resisting 30% of UV rays! So may be a combination of the two may bring about a superior resistance to harmful UV rays?!

But yes! Based on this evidence… It does seem like coconut oil blocks UV rays! But what other coconut oil benefits for your skin?

Coconut Oil For Eczema Before And After


So in a recent study investigating the effect of coconut oil applied topically… Major improvements were observed for 47% of children after being treated with coconut oil for their eczema.

Coconut Oil For Dry Skin


So as you’d most probably expect coconut oil is exceptional at moisturizing dry skin. Especially cracked heels! Or dry lips! Furthermore, it has been determined that applying coconut oil can prevent dry skin caused by using alcohol-based sanitizers.

Coconut Oil For Massage

Additionally, from the benefits researchers mention for coconut oil is its use as a massage oil. Just try it out and let us know in the comments section how it works for you!

Effectiveness On Wounds

Likewise, coconut oil has been reported as speeding up would healing. This amazing conclusion came as a result of a scientific experiment which showed inflammatory markers decreased. As well as collagen production increasing… Thus wound healing occurred faster.

Coconut Oil Pulling Benefits


So as you’re probably aware by now oil pulling is a way of improving dental health… By way of swishing coconut oil in your mouth for an extended period of time… Like 5 to 10… Or even 20 minutes. Then spitting out the oil thereafter. And this is considered a more cost effective way than purchasing more expensive pharmaceutically made mouthwashes. Furthermore, 10 minutes oil pulling with coconut oil was found to be as effective as using an antiseptic mouthwash… And that was in reducing Streptococcus mutans… A form of bacteria in the mouth.

Whilst in another recent study… orally swishing with coconut oil on a daily basis was found to significantly reduce plaque… And inflammation in people with inflamed gums (aka gingivitis).

Is Coconut Oil Good For Hair?


Well apparently… Yes! Coconut oil is good for your hair! Ok… But how exactly?

Well one academic study compared the effects of coconut oil. As well as sunflower oil. And mineral oil on hair. So the results demonstrated that when applied before or after shampooing… Only coconut oil significantly reduced protein loss from hair. And this was resultant for both healthy. As well as damaged hair.

Furthermore, researchers concluded that the main fatty acid in coconut oil – lauric acid… Has a unique structure. Also it can penetrate the hair shaft in a way that most other fats cannot.

Additionally, another academic study found that coconut oil strengthens hair. By reducing breakages. As well as nourishing hair strands.

Is Coconut Oil Beneficial For Alzheimer’s Disease?


Firstly, as one doctor describes it…

“[Alzheimers is a] disease that just continues to rise… In terms of it’s prevalence… a disease in which drug therapies have been uniformly disappointing!”

Secondly, some researchers have recommended using coconut oil as an MCFA (medium-chain fatty acid) source to boost the ketone production. In fact MCFA’s are special… In that they are readily absorbed by the liver. Thereafter, they can be converted into ketones. Which are an alternative energy source for the brain. Furthermore, they may be beneficial for people with Alzheimer’s disease… Or for those developing memory impairment.

Additionally, multiple academic studies have reported MCFAs to have amazing benefits for brain disorders. Such as Alzheimer’s disease. And epilepsy.

Coconut Oil And Cooking


So do coconut oil benefits transcend to even cooking? Well one academic paper claims that there is a wealth of research that indicates that… Switching to coconut oil would actually reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Thus, more traditional oils… Like coconut oil, are in fact more healthier. In comparison to other types of cooking oils. Like sunflower oil!

Furthermore, coconut oil has a high smoke point… Making it safe to cook with.

Conclusion: Coconut Oil Benefits


So there we have it! Academic research demonstrating an abundance of coconut oil benefits! Even in the case of fighting against Alzheimer’s disease. As well as coconut oil’s benefits on protecting your hair. Skin. Teeth. And gums! And its energy-boosting function! Verily, coconut oil has many medicinal… As well as cosmeceutical and culinary benefits for the world.

So why not give us your feedback on this article. Why not give us your personal coconut oil experiences… Good or bad. You can even suggest any alterations or additions to our topic of discussion: فوائد زيت جوز الهند.

Thanks again for Reading!

3 Responses

  1. I love coconut oil but I noticed it can’t be used long term on black race hair. It hardens the hair when used too much and makes it frizzy. If used in very little quantity and mixed with other oils, it is fine. It is also alright to use in a rinse out product as well.

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