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زيت جوز الهند بالجملة

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Buy Bulk Coconut Oil. At An Amazing Coconut Oil Wholesale Price. Directly from Global Coconut Oil Suppliers! Pure. Unrefined. Virgin Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil.

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Bulk Coconut Oil Suppliers

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For Decades!
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زيت جوز الهند بالجملة

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زيت جوز الهند بالجملة

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Our Bulk Coconut Oil Is Available In:

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Large Steel Drums

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IBC Tanks

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Our Bulk Coconut Oil Is:

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Pure Coconut Oil Wholesale

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That’s right! Our bulk coconut oil is 100% Pure! Meaning, nothing else is added to it! Rather it’s purest state is preserved. Thus preserving optimal coconut oil benefits.

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Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil In Bulk

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Additionally, and in order to optimize the richness of our bulk coconut oil… Our coconut oil is Cold-Pressed!

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Unrefined Coconut Oil Bulk

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Also… And we are proud to offer coconut oil wholesale, that is 100% Unrefined! Or Raw! Meaning, our coconut oil does not undergo the heavy alterations or processes that other coconut oil manufacturers may subject their coconut oil to. But why…? Simple… Our motto is ‘Nature Is The Origin’. So we like to keep things natural. Furthermore, we are advocates & participants in the Alternative Medicines Industry. Thus, it would not make business-sense for us to decrease the medicinal benefit of our products by refining them.

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Wholesale Coconut Oil Suppliers

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So Why Buy Bulk Coconut Oil?


Firstly, it’s safe to say coconut oil’s notoriety speaks for itself. Yes! This once upon a time misunderstood natural oil power-house, is finally getting recognition. And that’s in a more broader scope of utility…

For example:

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Your Bulk Coconut Oil Keys To Success:

So what do you need to make selling coconut oil boom! 

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فوائد زيت جوز الهند

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For more in-depth information on Coconut Oil Benefits… Simply check out our article:

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Coconut Oil Benefits | Fruits From The Tree Of Life

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Fighting Alzheimers
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Boosting Ketone Production”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

Firstly, as you may already know… Coconut oil is a rich source of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). Furthermore, multiple academic studies have reported MCFAs to have amazing benefits for brain disorders. Such as Alzheimer’s disease. And epilepsy. So with Alzheimer’s disease being an ailment that many pharmaceutical treatments have failed in addressing it… Coconut oil is an area of more investigation as a possible natural solution to an age-old issue.

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Reducing Excess Weight
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Also coconut oil is a rich source of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). And MCTs are made up of medium-chain fatty acids MCFAs. And Dr. Eric Berg DC (Doctor of Chiropractic) mentions regarding coconut oil:

“And it’s really good to induce more fat burning. So it will help you loose weight. It’s a fat that helps you loose weight…”

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Boosting Energy
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So as we already know coconut oil is a rich source of medium-chain triglycerides. Or MCTs. So as you may already be aware… MCTs have long been incorporated into sports nutrition products for athletes who need a fast-acting source of energy. This is as some medium chain fatty acids (MCTs) are transported to the liver. Similar to how carbohydrates are transported.

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Blocking UV Rays
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Exposure to harmful UV rays can have a detrimental impact on our well-being. From wrinkles to dermatitis… And even cancer. So the fact that coconut oil has been shown to block 20% of UV rays is an exceptional addition to coconut oil benefits.

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Antimicrobial Defense
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So as the majority of coconut oil’s medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) is a substance called lauric acid. Academic research has indicated to this substance as providing antimicrobial properties. Especially against E. Coli. Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Just to name a few!

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Extinguishing Eczema
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So in a recent study investigating the effect of coconut oil applied topically… Major improvements were observed for 47% of children after being treated with coconut oil for their eczema.

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Moisturizing Dry Skin
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Furthermore… And as you’d most probably expect coconut oil is exceptional at moisturizing dry skin. Especially cracked heels! Or dry lips! Furthermore, it has been determined that applying coconut oil can prevent dry skin caused by using some types of sanitizers.

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Speeding-Up Healing
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Likewise, coconut oil has been reported as speeding up would healing. This amazing conclusion came as a result of a scientific experiment which showed inflammatory markers decreased. As well as collagen production increasing… Thus wound healing occurred faster.

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زيت جوز الهند Pulling
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Natural Dental Care”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

Whilst in another recent study… Orally swishing with coconut oil on a daily basis was found to significantly reduce plaque… And inflammation in people with inflamed gums (aka gingivitis).

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Tree Of Life
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So this exceptional type of tree… Equally dons an exceptional nickname. The tree of life! Yes! With it’s historical roots in providing the ‘necessities of life’. Or it’s legacy as, ‘the tree of a thousand uses’ The coconut palm tree is most defiantly a distinguished jewel in our international ecosystems… Praised by many a people. Past and present! Rather, this tree of life can be marketed as such owing to it’s multi-purpose usage that bulk coconut oil attests to!

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Fortifying Hair
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Also, researchers have concluded that the main fatty acid in coconut oil – lauric acid… Has a unique structure. Which can penetrate the hair shaft in a way that most other fats cannot. Additionally, another academic study found that coconut oil strengthens hair. By reducing breakages. As well as nourishing hair strands.

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Coconut Oil wholesalers

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Secure Your Coconut Oil Wholesale Orders Today!

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So although we manufacture (cold-press), supply and export about 40 tonnes (or 40,000KG) of coconut oil per annum… We are bound to run out! Right? So why not secure your consignments so you’re always in constant supply! Simply contact us today for more.

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Litre of Coconut Oil Equals =

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[/ux_text] [ux_text text_align=”center” text_color=”rgb(255,255,255)”]

Kilograms of Coconut Oil (approx)

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[/ux_text] [ux_text text_align=”center” text_color=”rgb(255,255,255)”]

Gallons of Coconut Oil (approx)

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So here are some keyword phrases online users in the USA use when searching specifically for Coconut Oil:


Different Phrases For Searching ‘Coconut Oil’:


The United States of America (US or USA)

List of America’s 50 states. Along with the capital city of each state.

California – Sacramento

Alaska – Juneau

Arizona – Phoenix

Arkansas – Little Rock

Alabama – Montgomery

Iowa – Des Moines

Connecticut – Hartford

Louisiana – Baton Rouge

Florida – Tallahassee

Georgia – Atlanta

Hawaii – Honolulu

Idaho – Boise

Illinois – Springfield

Indiana – Indianapolis

Colorado – Denver

Kansas – Topeka

Kentucky – Frankfort

Wyoming – Cheyenne

Maine – Augusta

Maryland – Annapolis

Minnesota – Saint Paul

Michigan – Lansing

Massachusetts – Boston

New Hampshire – Concord

Missouri – Jefferson City

Utah – Salt Lake City

Virginia – Richmond

Nevada – Carson City

Mississippi – Jackson

New Jersey – Trenton

New Mexico – Santa Fe

Vermont – Montpelier

North Carolina – Raleigh

Montana – Helena

Ohio – Columbus

South Carolina – Columbia

Oregon – Salem

Pennsylvania – Harrisburg

Rhode Island – Providence

Oklahoma – Oklahoma City

South Dakota – Pierre

Tennessee – Nashville

Texas – Austin

North Dakota – Bismarck

New York – Albany

Nebraska – Lincoln

Washington – Olympia

West Virginia – Charleston

Wisconsin – Madison

Delaware – Dover


Pure coconut oil

Unrefined coconut oil


Best coconut oil


Coconut oil wholesale


Cold pressed coconut oil


Bulk organic coconut oil


Coconut oil wholesale price

Mct coconut oil


Liquid coconut oil


Coconut oil amazon


Coconut oil near me


Wholesale coconut oil suppliers

[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”UK Google Search Phrases For Coconut Oil”]

So here are some keyword phrases online users in the UK use when searching specifically for Coconut Oil:


Different Phrases For Searching ‘Coconut Oil’:


The United Kingdom of Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, UK)

Main Cities:

  • Doncaster
  • Rotherham
  • Southampton
  • لندن
  • Newcastle 
  • Nottingham
  • Bath 
  • Sunderland 
  • Liverpool
  • Barnsley
  • Bristol
  • Leicester 
  • ادنبره
  • Sheffield
  • برمنغهام
  • Bradford
  • بلفاست
  • Derby
  • Wolverhampton
  • Leeds
  • Portsmouth


Liquid coconut oil


Mct coconut oil


Pure coconut oil


Coconut oil morrisons


Organic cold pressed coconut oil


Natural coconut oil


Coconut oil near me


Best coconut oil


Virgin coconut oil


Unrefined coconut oil

[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Australia Google Search Phrases For Coconut Oil”]

So here are some keyword phrases online users in Australia use when searching specifically for Coconut Oil:


Australian Cities:

  • Liverpool (Australia)
  • City of Coffs Harbour
  • Albury
  • Bathurst
  • Blue Mountains
  • Campbelltown
  • Cessnock
  • City of Lismore
  • Goulburn
  • Lithgow
  • Sydney
  • Dubbo
  • City of Shoalhaven
  • Newcastle
  • Parramatta
  • Penrith
  • Queanbeyan
  • Tamworth
  • Wagga Wagga
  • City of Fairfield
  • Wollongong
  • City of Blacktown
  • Grafton
  • City of Canada Bay
  • Armidale
  • City of Randwick
  • Orange
  • City of Griffith
  • City of Hawkesbury
  • City of Lake Macquarie
  • City of Maitland
  • City of Ryde
  • City of Shellharbour
  • City of Willoughby
  • Broken Hill

Coconut oil coles


Virgin coconut oil


Pure coconut oil


Unrefined coconut oil


Costco coconut oil


Aldi coconut oil


Nutiva coconut oil


Coconut oil as moisturizer


Mct coconut oil


Cold pressed coconut oil

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Coconut Oil Bulk Buy

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How To Order | Step By Step

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Leading Bulk Sesame Oil Supplier

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Cold Pressed Coconut Oil Wholesale

[/ux_text] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”12″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”12″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [divider width=”50px” margin=”15px” color=”rgb(32, 32, 32)”] [ux_text text_color=”rgb(0,0,0)”]

Unrefined Coconut Oil Wholesale

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Pure Coconut Oil Wholesale

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First Step | Let Us Know Your Coconut Oil Bulk Requirements

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Yes! Firstly we need to know what you need. So that includes things like your coconut oil bulk quantity. Also the country or countries of origin you’d like to review pricing for. And likewise any shipping terms you prefer. Or any other preferences. So simply fill out our Wholesale Inquiry Form. And let’s get started!

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Step Two | Let us Get Back To You


Secondly, and after reviewing your requirements… Simply let us get back to you with the pricing. As well as any answers you require to your queries. Thereafter and once you’re well satisfied let’s close the deal!

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Over 80 Years In Business

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Step Three | Delivering Your Order


So once payment terms have been arranged and executed we can move on to packaging your order. And then dispatching your order based upon your preferred delivery instructions. Simple!

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Here’s How Our Global Customers Describe Us

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“many years on the world market of natural oils.”

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الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

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“All the products high value.”

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“The products are very good and amazing.”

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“Wonderful brand! High quality products!”

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“honest business and amazing customer service!”

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“Excellent company and service.”

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But no need to let them enjoy all the attention! Contact us today & let’s do some mutually beneficial & honest business! FYI: Feel free to request more reviews. As well as the above reviews in full.

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Your Shipping Options

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Air-freight Cargo

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Door To Door Courier

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Your Shipping Pathway | Your Choice

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At ELHAWAG, we understand how important shipping terms are. Quite frankly, they can make – or break any potential deal. Therefore, we are fully committed to working with you to make sure your order is delivered to you in the most suitable way to you! So whether that’s airline cargo. Express delivery courier services, like DHL, FedEx and UPS. Or even sea-freight… It’s your shipping pathway. So it’s your choice. And you have our full support!

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Shipping | Documents & Clearance


As an established manufacturer and supplier (licensed & registered) of bulk coconut oil… We understand the intricacies of getting your goods to you. Therefore, allow us to provide you with whichever documents you may need for a hassle-free delivery of your goods. So simply let us know what you need so all documents can be prepared and ready. Easy!

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Coconut Oil Bulk Price

Inquire Now!

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How To Use Coconut Oil

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So, in a general sense… It’s recommended that every dose of medication should be taken in the right dosage. Additionally, a small dosage may not actually benefit. But it’s less likely to harm. Meanwhile, an overdose is more likely to pose a risk. Therefore, consumption in large quantities does not necessitate that healing will be faster.

Nevertheless, we always recommend to consult a doctor especially if the condition requires medical attention. So here are some recommendations based upon academic research.

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Natural Sunscreen
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Blocking UV Rays”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

So as we’ve already mentioned… The sun’s UV rays can increase your risk of cancer. And an academic study has found coconut oil to block 20% of these harmful rays. Whilst another study mentioned that coconut oil has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 7 approximately.

[/ux_text] [/accordion-item] [/accordion] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″ text_depth=”1″] [scroll_to title=”cooking oil” bullet=”false”] [featured_box img=”2454″ inline_svg=”0″ img_width=”227″ pos=”center”] [ux_text text_align=”left”]
Fry High
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Safer Cooking Oil”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

So due to coconut oil’s high saturated fat content this makes it great for cooking. Especially high-heat cooking. Like frying!

But why? Well saturated fats are able to retain their structure at higher temperatures. Unlike polyunsaturated fatty acids… Which are found in other vegetable oils.

Furthermore, when heated… These vegetable oils may even turn into chemicals harmful to our health. Such has been reported in the cases of safflower oil… And corn oil. So coconut oil is a safer… Healthier alternative cooking oil.

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Metabolic Ignition
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Burning Calories Faster”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

So as we’ve mentioned… Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs)… So these fatty acids can be absorbed quickly. Thus aidind to increase the number of calories we burn. Furthermore, academic studies have shown that these MCTs can boost our metabolic rate. In fact, one academic study demonstrated that 15 to 30 grams of MCTs actually increased the amount of calories burned over a whole day.

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Ketone Supplement
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Improving Brain Function”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

Additionally, medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) found in coconut oil are turned into ketones in your liver. Furthermore, these ketones can then become an alternative… But viable energy source for your brain. Thus, several studies have reported significant benefits from MCTs in certain brain disorders. Like Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, using coconut oil as a source of MCTs to increase your ketones has been recommended by researchers.

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زيت جوز الهند Pulling
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Dental Plaque Defence”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

Yes! Coconut oil can be used for effective oil pulling! Promoting healthier gums for a natural mode of dental care.

So simply swish, swish away!

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Skin Irritation Relief
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Extinguishing Eczema”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

So academic study has shown coconut oil to be just as effective as other conventional moisturizers… And that was in improving some skin disorders. Such as dermatitis.

Furthermore, almost half the participants in one study found significant improvements when treated with coconut oil for eczema!

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Healthier Mayonnaise
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Homemade Alternative”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

So simply use the following recipe to make sugar-free homemade mayonnaise!

Then you can use it for up to one week. Whilst storing in a refrigerator!

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Homemade Salad Dressing
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So as commercial salad dressings can be packed with harmful sugar. As well as unwanted preservatives… Thus a more healthier alternative is the way forward. So that’s where homemade salad dressings with coconut oil comes in! So simply follow the recipe below to make healthier homemade salad dressing with coconut oil!

And store in refrigerator.

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Powerful Moisturizer
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Additionally… And no surprisingly coconut oil is a powerful moisturizer! Particularly when moisturizing cracked heels. As well as chapped lips. So no need for commercial moisturizers packed with chemicals. Some even cause withdrawal symptoms… Or nasty side-effects after usage.

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Effective Lubricant
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Pain-Free Intercourse”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

Also… And according to medically reviewed literature… Coconut oil has been affirmed as an effective lubricant for sexual intercourse.

Thus, allowing for safer… And longer lasting intercourse. Especially for women going through menopause. And therefore possibly experiencing unwanted vaginal dryness… Or even pain during sex. Moreover, for women of any age with these symptoms. Or even those women with sensitive skin or allergies… A more natural… But extremely effective option like coconut oil could be the way forward!

Not to mention coconut oil is a much more cheaper option. So why pay more for unnecessary… And potentially toxic chemicals?

Nevertheless, more research needs to be done on this. So proceed with caution.

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Sugar-Free Chocolate
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Delicious Snacks”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

So just as we’ve discovered healthier ways to make mayo and salad dressing… Behold! Sugar-free chocolate! Yes! This recipe allows you to still benefit from all the amazing chocolately goodness that you love… As well as even becoming a fun activity for the kids. As the recipe is so simple. But most importantly… We avoid the unhealthy, processed ingredients. Such as fructose corn syrup. And artificial flavors.

Thereafter, store in an air-tight container in the fridge.


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Boost Healthy Cholesterol
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So, as we know cholesterol is a major issue in keeping healthy. Especially, with the older generation. So coconut oil’s proven positive effects on cholesterol is just another beneficial point of usage.

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Reducing Belly Fat
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Healthy Weight Loss”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

So simply click here for academic information on how coconut oil can be used for weight loss.

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Healthier Hair
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As we’ve established coconut oil can keep hair healthier. Furthermore, researchers attribute the beneficial effects of coconut oil on the hair with lauric acid. Found in coconut oil.

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Improving Wound Healing
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Also as established coconut oil has properties which can actually speed up wound healing. So it’s recommended to add a little coconut oil to minor wounds, scrapes and cuts. But only after cleaning the wound of course.

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Boosting Bone Health
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So there is a growing literature from academic on coconut oil benefits for boosting bone health. For example, one study demonstrated that coconut oil significantly increased bone volume. As well as bone structure.

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Stay Fresh
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Coconut Oil Deodorant”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

So as you may already be aware… Commercial antiperspirants can contain harmful parabens, petrochemicals, phthalates.

As well as propylene glycol. Whilst also being tested on animals. So to leave off these chemicals a solution for you could be using coconut oil deodorant!

Furthermore, coconut oil’s distinguished antibacterial properties make it a great natural deodorant. So just follow the following instructions to make your own:

Thereafter, simply store at room temperature. In  your bathroom storage for example.

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Remove Makeup
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So if you didn’t already know… Coconut oil is an effective eye makeup remover! So simply apply some coconut oil to your cotton pad. Then wipe away all traces of your eye makeup.

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Healing Ragged Cuticles
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Additionally, coconut oil can improve the health of your cuticles. Also aesthetically too! Whilst also aiding you to get rid of hangnails! So simply massage a small amount of coconut oil into these areas for a few minutes. And for the best results… Try to repeat this several times a week.

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Remove Stains
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Also… And quite amazingly… Coconut oil can be used to remove stains!  Like unwanted carpet spills. As well as horrible marks on furniture. So how do you use it..? Well, simply mix baking soda and coconut oil into a paste. Then apply this paste to the stain. Finally wipe away after about 5 minutes.

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Effective Insect Repellent
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So one study has indicated that combining Thai essential carrier oils with coconut oil makes an effective insect repellent. Specifically from certain types of mosquito bites. Possibly providing over 98% protection!

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Lustering Wood Furniture
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You possibly guessed it already But yes! Coconut oil can be used to luster the look of your wood furniture. Giving that bright shine. And enhancing the beauty of the natural wood. Whilst also possibly repelling dust! Additionally, coconut oil’s soft and pleasing aroma is more subtle. Thus easier to inhale than commercial wood polishers. That may be quite overwhelming at times.

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[/ux_text] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Disclaimer Information”]

Firstly, kindly take note to the following disclaimer. As a coconut oil wholesale manufacturer. And coconut oil wholesale supplier… We cannot guarantee that coconut oil is an adequate replacement for any prescribed medication. Prescribed by competent, qualified and trustworthy medical personnel. Furthermore, anyone taking medication should consult their (competent, qualified and trustworthy) doctor before using any herbal supplement. Likewise the same instruction for pregnant and breast-feeding women. Coconut oil should be kept away from eyes and other sensitive parts of the body.

Additionally, the information provided is not a warranty of any kind. Nor is it a diagnosis. Or a treatment. Likewise it is not provided as a cure. Nor a preventative for any disease. Or ailment of any kind. Finally, the user of this material (product) is solely responsible for determining the suitability thereof for any usage. Likewise, the user is solely responsible for requesting & reviewing the relevant safety information. Also, the user is solely responsible for compliance with any & all applicable legislation.

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Unrefined Coconut Oil Wholesale

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لماذا أتعامل مع الحواج؟

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أكثر من ٨٠ عاما من الخبرة
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نعم! ٨٤ عامًا من الخدمة والتوريد بأعلى مستوى. تأسست منذ ما يقرب من قرن من الزمان ... لذا فإننا نتطلع إلى ما يمكن اعتباره يوبيل الجرانيت ٩٠ سنة في مجال الأعمال...

ندعوك أن تتواصل معنا اليوم حتى تكتشف ثمار أكثر من ٨٠ عاما...

يمتد على مدى ٣ أجيال من تراث في صناعة الأدوية الطبيعية! نعم استفسر الآن وتعرف على سبب ازدهارنا من خلال اختبارات الزمن

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أفضل جودة
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نظرًا لأننا حقًا صانع ومورد وتاجر جملة وموزع ذو خبرة... نحن نفهم أهمية الجودة

نعم! نحن نعلم أنه ليس كل المشترين يتبعون نفس الشيء! لذلك، نحن نقدم أفضل الجودة لاحتياجاتكم التجارية

لذا، إذا كنت تبتغي أن تتحصل على درجات عليا من الجودة للمنافسة في الأسواق الفاخرة أو المتميزة ... لا تنظر إلا إلينا! أيضًا، إذا كنت تستهدف نطاقًا اقتصاديًا أكثر... فنحن في خدمتك مرة أخرى! مهما أهدافكم هي

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أسعار منافسة
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نعم! ربما تسمع هذا من جميع الشركات... فما الذي يجعل الحواج مميزة؟ حسنًا، نحن نطبق بوليسة سعرا واحدا لجميع الزبائن. بمعنى أنه أينما كنت في العالم...

نحن نقدم لك نفس السعر مهما كان الأمر

هذا يعني أنه حتى لو كنت في بانكوك، طوكيو أو سيول... يُعرض عليكم نفس الأسعار التي تُعرض على نظرائك في نيويورك، لندن أو تورنتو! نعم! لكم... أينما تكونون... إنه سعرا واحدا للجميع!

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معلومات واضحة
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من خبرتنا الطويلة عرفنا دقيقات البيع بالتجزئة! لذلك، نحن نفهم أهمية الإيضاح في معلومات شؤون البضائع الطبيعية التي تشتريها منا.

لذلك، يمكننا تزويدكم بمواصفات واسعة لمنتجاتنا.

فهذا يشمل - على سبيل المثال لا الحصر - طريقة الاستخراج. ودرجة جودة المنتج. وغير ذلك من موصوفات المنتج. كل ذلك يمكنك استخدامه كنقط بيع فعالة!

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خيارات متعددة
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نعم! عند الحواج نحاول أن نخدم الاحتياجات المتنوعة لجميع قاعدة عملائنا العالمية. لذلك، هذا يعني نحن معكم إذا كنت بحاجة إلى حاوية أو حاويتين يتم إرسالها إليك في المملكة المتحدة لبريطانيا عند ميناء فيليكسستو. أو حتى إذا كنت تريد فقط عينة من ٢٠كجم توصيلها عبر البريد الدولي إليك ميونيخ.

علاوةً على ذلك، يمكننا أن نقدم لك الأسعار بعملات متعددة واختيارات مختلفة من شروط الشحن.

لذلك، على سبيل المثال، يمكننا تقديم زيوتنا الطبيعية في KG و Liters و Gallons. بالإضافة إلى تقديم الأسعار بالدولار الأمريكي ($) واليورو (€)، إيفاءً لاحتياجات عملائنا في جميع أنحاء العالم!

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مدفوعات آمنة
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نحن نقدر تمامًا أن إجراء دفع آمن وسهل أمر لا بد منه!

لذلك عندنا في الحواج نقدم خيارات دفع متعددة تناسب احتياجاتك. تواصل معنا للمزيد. *

* *

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الشراء بالجملة
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على محمل الجد... نحن نفتخر بكوننا موردي الموردين الآخرين! نعم! وهذا من أجل قدرتنا الكبيرة، فنحن قادرون على توريد الشركات الأخرى... هذه الشركات قادرة بعد ذلك على بيع منتجاتنا الطبيعية (بجملة أو بتجزئة أو كليهما)… ويربحون أرباحا ضخمة! وذلك بسبب أسعارنا... فتواصل معنا! واستفد من منتجاتنا وأسعارنا الممتازة!


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الشراء بالتوزيع متجاتنا
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اكتب 'الحواج' في أي محرك بحث… ثم اذهب إلى الصور… هل فعلت ذلك؟! لو فعلته فعرفت عدد عملائنا الذين استفادوا من ماركنا لزيادة أرباحهم إلى الحد الأقصى! ربما يكون أسرع دخول في أي سوق... نعم! يمكن القول أن هذا النوع من إعادة البيع يتطلب أقل قدر من الجهد. كما أن تفعل معظم محلات السوبر ماركت والهايبر ماركت والمتاجر الكبرى، إن لم يكن جميعها تفعله. وبالمثل متاجر البقالة الأصغر، ومحلات الزاوية والأكشاك!

لذلك لا داعي لإنشاء مارك جديد... لا! فقط تصفح مجموعتنا من الزيوت الطبيعية ومستحضرات التجميل... للحصول على بضائع عالية الجودة من ماركنا العالمية المتنامية الجاهزة للبيع!

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الشراء بالتصنيع للغير
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ألا تريد أن تميز نفسك عن منافسيك؟!

ابن ولاء عملائك... وبالتالي الاحتفاظ بقاعدة عملائك للطلبات المستقبلية! أيضًا، هل تعلم أنه في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية (USA) في العام قبل الماضي فقط بلغت مبيعات التجزئة للتصنيع للغير ما يقرب من ٢٠٠ مليار دولار أمريكي!

فلماذا لا تأخذ حظك من سوق التصنيع للغير؟

لماذا لا تضع على منتجاتك ماركك! لا تدري كيف؟

نحن في الحواج نقدم لك بكل فخر خيار التصنيع للغير لمنتجاتنا الطبيعية العديدة المتنوعة.

نعم! لماذا نأخذ الفضل في الحلول الصحية ونمط الحياة التي توفرها منتجاتنا لمشاكل عملائك؟! ألا تستحق هذا التقدير؟! 

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خيارات الشحن الدولي
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لذلك، بمجرد رضاك ​​عن طلبك، دعنا نعمل معًا لتنظيم النوع الدقيق لخدمة التوصيل التي تناسب احتياجات عملك. نعم! من خلال شبكتنا الواسعة من خيارات الشحن التابعة لجهات خارجية، لا يهم مكان وجودك... حتى لو كنت في برلين، مدريد حتى في جاكرتا في إندونيسيا! فقط دعنا نعرف طريقة الشحن المفضلة لديك. وخلاص! جوي أو بحري نحن نقدم لك بكل فخر خيارات نقل متعددة... حتى تتمكن من استلام بضائعك بالسلامة. وكذلك في أسرع الوقت!

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العملات المتعددة مقبولة
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So as part of our internal developments to better facilitate the needs of our international customer base… We are now able to accept payments in different currencies. Namely – the اليورو... التي هي العملة الرسمية للاتحاد الأوروبي المعتمدة من قبل ١٩ دولة من أصل ٢٧ دولة عضو. أيضا، اليورو ثاني أكثر العملات تبادلا في العالم. وثاني أشهر العملات. الدولار... أو العملة الرسمية للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. أيضا العملة الأكثر استخداما في العالم. 

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استثمار استثنائي
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بينما تستغل صناعة الأدوية جهل الجماهير... أنت هنا لتعلم عملائك بتعليم أصيل. نعم! الطبيعة هي الأصل. ونحن هنا مورد لك على المدى الطويل لمساعدتك في كل خطوة على الطريق! لذا، ما الذي يمنعك من الاستثمار في العلاجات العشبية الحقيقية والمغذيات من الأرض العضوية التي نعيش عليها! أليست الطريقة الطبيعية هي أفضل الطرق؟ فلماذا لا تأخذ حظكم من الثمار المربحة للملايين إن لم يكن المليارات من المستهلكين في جميع أنحاء العالم الذين يعودون إلى طرق العلاج الطبيعي.

فكن الشركة التي يربطها عملائك بالتأثير العلاجي الرائعة للبضائع الطبيعية التي نوفرها لكم اليوم! 

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