
So the sesame seed is considered, “a reservoir of nutritional components!” As well as possessing, “numerous beneficial effects!” Along with, “Health promotion in humans!”.

So what are we waiting for?! Let’s discover sesame seed oil benefits!

So What is Sesame Seed Oil Anyways?


Firstly, sesame oil. Or sesame seed oil. Also known as simsim oil. Or semsem oil. As well as sometimes being referred to as benne oil. Or Benniseed oil. Additionally, referred to as til oil is made by way of pressing raw sesame seeds. Furthermore, sesame seed oil is considered as a type of vegetable oil.

Albeit, sesame oil is reported as contributing to only a small share of global vegetable oil production. Thus, sesame seed oil reportedly ranks only twelfth in world production of vegetable oils. What’s more, sesame is considered the oldest oilseed crop known to mankind. And most species of sesame are wild and cultivated in the Middle East.

Moreover, sesame oil is a popular cooking oil. Used in Middle Eastern… As well as Japanese and Chinese cuisine. And additional to it’s culinary uses, sesame oil has cosmetic, therapeutic, nutritional, medicinal… And even industrial purposes.

So this popular culinary oil is made from raw or toasted sesame seeds. As for sesame oil, made from raw sesame seeds… Then it’s lighter-colored. Relatively bland. And so often used in cooking and in dressings for salad. Whilst refined or toasted sesame seed oil (made from roasted sesame seeds) is a darker amber color.

A Closer Look At The ‘Queen Of Oilseeds’


So it’s a no-brainer to presume that sesame oil comes from sesame seeds… And yes! That’s true… But did you know that the sesame botanical name is in fact:

Sesamum indicum Linn Pronounced – sesa – mum – indi – cum (Linn).

Learned something new? Yes! Furthermore, this amazing species belongs to the order tubiflorae. And Pedaliaceae family. Additionally, Sesamum indicum L. is a herbaceous annual plant. And if all this wasn’t amazingly informative enough, guess what!

Sesame seeds are possibly the oldest condiment known to mankind. Additionally, it also has history in medicinal usage. Like an extremely long history. Spanning all the way back to ancient Egyptian times. Yes! Some 3,600 years ago. In fact, Sesamum indicum L. was listed as a favored medicine in the scrolls of Ebers!

Furthermore, and quite befittingly… The Sesame seed is popularly known as “Queen of Oilseeds”.

And this is sought to be due to its high degree of resistance to rancidity and oxidation.

Furthermore, sesame seeds are made-up of around 50-60% oil content. And it’s the elongated pods of the sesame plant that hold its magnificent and edible seeds. Additionally, these pods are known to burst open upon reaching maturity. As for the Sesamum indicum L. plant itself… Then it can grow to approximately 3 feet, 91.44 cm or 0.9144 metres. And during harvesting, its stalks are bundled… The seeds are then hulled, cleaned and placed through an electronic sorting machine. Like a sortex machine. Thereafter, sesame seeds can be cold-pressed to produce sesame oil.

Sesame Seed Oil Properties


Firstly, and at a glance, sesame oil (from raw sesame seeds) are light in color. Whilst possessing a bland, neutral and/or delicate flavor. Secondly, sesame oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids or PUFA’s. As well as tocopherol homologues. And antioxidants. Sesamin. Sesamolin. Which are considered as compounds that protect cells from free radicals, which can cause disease.

Additionally, academic literature asserts these bioactive components as enhancing the stability of sesame oil. As well as deriving sesame seed oil’s abundant benefits. Meanwhile, sesame oil is also rich in monounsaturated fats. Whilst, it’s relatively low in saturated fats.

Thus making sesame oil… Heart healthy oil!

Sesame Seed Oil Smoke Point


So a smoke point. Or burning point is the temperature at which the given oil begins to produce a clear and continuous smoke. As for sesame oil… Then it’s smoke/burning point is around 410 degrees Fahrenheit or 210 degrees Celsius.

But why do we even care about any of this?

Well, because this information contributes to the safety of sesame seed oil. And thus contributes to sesame seed oil benefits, for different uses. Namely cooking. So, due to it’s high smoke/burning point, sesame seed oil is suitable for roasting or frying. Better than toasted sesame oil which has a lower smoke/burning point. At around 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 177 degrees Celsius. Furthermore, when oil begins to burn – passing it’s smoke/burning point – free radicals are released as the fat in oil breaks down. Thus, sesame seed oil’s attribute of fighting free radicals is defeated.

Nutritional Value of Sesame Seed Oil


So as we are beginning to appreciate… Sesame seed oil benefits have been observed by many an observer. And so it’s résumé is a rich one. With a glistening portfolio. And this is – in part – due to it’s diverse nutritional profile.

So what amazing things constitute sesame oil nutrition?

Firstly, sesame seed oil is an exceptional source of phosphorous. As well as a great source of iron. Calcium. Magnesium. Copper. Zinc. And manganese.

All important nutrients!

And all – conveniently – found in Sesamum indicum L.

So these substances can be considered as contributors to sesame seed oil benefits!

And if this wasn’t sufficient as an amazing nutritional profile… The Sesamum indicum L. contains two quite exclusive substances. Sesamin. And sesamolin. So these two nutrients belong to a particular group of fibers. Named lignans. Which academic literature affirms them as:

Nutritional Information


So according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture… Just one tablespoon (tbsp) of sesame seed oil has the following nutritional values:

Additionally, one tablespoon (tbsp) is reported as containing 124 kilocalories of energy. As well as 1.99 grams of saturated fatty acids. Whilst having 5.56 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids. And 5.84 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Furthermore, one tablespoon (tbsp) is attested to have 0.196 milligrams (mg) of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol). Additional to 0.028 mg of choline. And 1.9 mg of vitamin K.

Fatty Acid Profile In Sesame Seed Oil


So in concentrating on sesame seed oil’s amazing fatty acid content… Let’s take a deeper look!

Firstly, sesame oil contains both omega-6. As well as omega-3 fatty acids. Such as linoleic acid, in the form triglycerides. And both (omega-3 and omega-6) are polyunsaturated fats. Furthermore, these essential fatty acids are associated with improving immune function. Whilst also being associated with preventing serious diseases. Like heart disease. And cancer. Both of which are major killers worldwide.

So Why Do We need Sesame Seed Oil Benefits?


No seriously? Why do we need sesame seed oil benefits? Well, it’s not so much sesame seed oil benefits per se… No! Rather it’s health benefits in general… Right? Therefore, it doesn’t really matter where we attain that from… But if we are able to attain these benefits from something affordable. Widely-available. Pleasant. And multipurpose, like sesame seed oil… Then that’s all the better!

But also achieving health benefits from natural substances… From our organic earth is very important…

“But why?” ,you may ask…

Well it’s simple…

Pharmaceutical companies aren’t to be trusted! And their drugs produce adverse side-effects!

So let’s list some more reported sesame seed oil benefits. Whilst revisiting a few aforementioned ones on the way. So we have nice clear list:

So here we have a quite impressive list of sesame seed oil benefits! But these – as far as we’re concerned, are only mere claims… So let’s delve into them. With scrutiny! So into the research we go! As we try to verify these reports. Now let’s get into the nitty gritty!

Sesame Seed Oil Benefits: Antioxidant


Question. “So what is an antioxidant?”

Answer. Well, put simply… Antioxidants are substances that may delay or prevent certain types of cell damage.

Question. “Why is Cell Damage a bad thing?”

Answer. So cell damage can lead to cell death. And although cell death can be a naturally occurring process… In certain cases, when enough cells die out, this can lead to organ or tissue failure. Therefore, possibly leading to the death of the organism itself.

Thus, antioxidants that prevent certain types of cell damage are beneficial.

No doubt!

So Is Sesame Seed Oil An Antioxidant?


Well according to a recently published academic literature… Sesame oil is:

“A potent antioxidant dietary source for human health.”

So, in this study researchers divided subjects into different groups. Some of which underwent treatment with sesame oil (5 and 10 ml per KG of body weight). And from their findings, researchers were able to conclude:

that chronic administration of sesame oil offers cardio protective action via putative antioxidant property.”

So this study supports the notion that ‘antioxidant’ is from sesame seed oil benefits. Furthermore, it even supports claims of sesame oil being cardioprotective! Thus, a heart healthy oil! Like we have previously mentioned.

Additionally, another study. Rather a descriptive literature review supports sesame seed oil as being:

“Known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.”

Furthermore, after analyzing 44 studies on sesame seed oil benefits… This academic review concludes:

“SO [Sesame Seed Oil] research shows promise in decreasing high levels of cholesterol and inflammation, lowering risks of atherosclerosis, and delaying the onset of cardiovascular diseases.”

Researchers continue with concluding:

“Since SO [Sesame Seed Oil] is very inexpensive and natural…”

Also they mentioned:

“SO [Sesame Seed Oil] has yet to show adverse effects.”

Therefore… And according to this academic literature… Sesame seed oil benefits most definitely cover:

So… Thus far… We should be impressed! Right? But does it stop there? Well, let’s look into sesame seed oil benefits as related to cancer.

Sesame Seed Oil And Cancer?


Let’s get straight into this one… So firstly, Hirose and colleagues found that… Sesamin [found in sesame oil] considerably reduced the cumulative number and mean number of mammary cancer.

So that’s a tick in the anti-cancer box for sesame seed oil benefits!

Furthermore, Salerno and company found that sesame oil inhibited growth of malignant colon cells (or cancer cells). And this was concluded when compared with sesame oils effect on normal colon cells.

So, there we have another tick!

Finally, and in a comprehensive and recent review of anti-cancer activity of sesamol (found in sesame seed oil)… Researchers, concluded:

“In sum, there is ample evidence suggesting that sesamol possesses potent anti-cancer properties in vitro and in vivo.”

So as for the case of sesame seed oil benefits including anti-cancer properties… Then, as we’ve established, there’s some pretty impressive academic research supporting that.

But we are not stopping here… No, no! We’ve got some more ground to cover in our exploration of sesame seed oil benefits. So let’s move on to the next one!

Sesame Oil Anti-Aging


So as we’ve already covered… Sesamum indicum L. was reportedly known to the ancient Egyptians! Also, it was revered by them. So, therefore it probably wouldn’t surprise you to know that Babylonian women have also been reported as consuming a mixture of sesame seeds and honey to prolong their youth… And also for beauty purposes…


Also, roman soldiers have been reported as taking the same or a similar mixture for energy and strength.

But our focus in this section is sesame seed oil benefits in the regard of the skin. Or as regards its anti-aging properties, generally. And its prevention of skin wrinkles specifically.

Sesame Oil Benefits For Skin Wrinkles


Firstly, let’s learn about an important compound that aids the skin to look younger. And less wrinkly. So that important compound is elastin. And elastin, is one of the most important proteins that contribute to the structure and shape of your skin. Moreover, its role is deeply rooted in your skins elasticity. Thus, it facilitates skin resilience and flexibility… Allowing skin to bounce back to its original state after stretching.

Moving on… Elastase is a proteinase enzyme responsible for elastin degradation. Additionally, this enzyme is known to break down the extracellular matrix. Thus leading to the formation of skin wrinkles. And therefore some researchers have mentioned that inhibiting this enzyme (elastase) has an anti-aging effect on the skin.

So if you can stop elastase in its tracks then you can look younger. Or at least slow down the onset of aging…

Fantastic! Right?

Ok but what about the academic research?

Sesame Oil For Skin Tightening: Sesame Oil Vs Elastase?


So a recent study aimed to elucidate any sesame seed oil benefits for inhibiting elastase.

And from their findings… Researchers were able to conclude:

“Therefore, the production of a cosmeceutical agent that include[s] sesame oil would be able to have synergistic activities toward prevention of skin aging and keeping the skin in good conditions, since this oil would contribute not only to the nourishment of the skin but also due to its [role as an] antioxidant.”

So there we have it!

Another sesame seed oil benefit in the bag!

And this time around sesame oil’s cosmetic benefits shines through.

Therefore, sesame seed oil benefits transcend to not only internal results… When consumed orally. But likewise external results… When administered topically! So no wonder sesame oil is referred to as the queen of oilseeds!

Ok, but is oral consumption and topical application enough?!

Well not for us… Why?

Well there seems to be some more gems up the sesame oil sleeve that we should discover.


But this time around it may not just be a sleeve… But rather a mouth-wash bottle…


Sesame Oil Pulling Benefits


Sorry… Oil pulling!! Sounds like we’re going to start drilling a hole somewhere in an Arabian desert! So what on earth is oil pulling…

Well, according to Dr. James Mosey DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery)… Oil pulling is placing certain types of oil in your mouth… In his case coconut oil… About a tablespoonful or so… Then swishing that oil in your mouth vigorously for about 20 minutes. Also, according to Dr. Mosey here – of Virginia Family Dentistry – this process does clean stain off of your teeth! Thereafter about 20 minutes of swishing, you go to the bathroom and spit-out the oil. Then rinse your mouth. And brush your teeth. And apparently that is not a bad routine to get into.

All that… According to a doctor! Well dentists are doctors…

Furthermore that’s according to a dentist. Who, from a business-sense wouldn’t want you to know about ways to improve your oral health. Especially without you purchasing the products and services they provide you.

But let’s look into if there are any sesame seed oil benefits in oil pulling!

Oil Pulling With Sesame Oil


Well, historically… As a part of Ayurveda medicine… Sesame oil pulling (or swishing) has been used as a natural remedy in the following areas:

Furthermore, it has been suggested that swishing the oil in your mouth brings toxins out of your blood. So a kind of detox.

Additionally, in a recent study, sesame seed oil pulling was found to decrease plaque.

As well as reducing the gingival index (GI). Which is an examination of oral health. With 0 being normal. And 3 indicating to severe inflammation. Possibly characterized by redness, swelling, edema and bleeding. And amazingly, all these sesame seed oil benefits were achieved in just 10 days!

Furthermore, it has been suggested that oil pulling with sesame seed oil is especially beneficial due to…

So other than that which we have mentioned… Why else is sesame seed oil particularly beneficial for oil pulling:

So it looks like sesame oil is pretty suitable for oil pulling after all. And now let’s close with a look into sesame seed oil benefits in cooking.

So Are There Any Sesame Seed Oil Benefits That Are Good For Cooking?


Firstly, Manufacturers produce sesame oil by pressing raw sesame seeds. Furthermore, it’s the raw sesame seeds pressed by way of cold pressing that is suitable for cooking. Just as we do! Yes! This type of sesame oil is more ideal for cooking. Especially frying. Due to its lack of flavor, color and scent. Therefore, it won’t compete with… Nor overpower the flavors and scents of other foods.

On the other hand, pressing toasted sesame seeds produces toasted sesame oil. And this is suitable for seasoning. Due to its nutty flavor and aroma. Whilst also being less suitable for cooking. As previously explained.

Additionally, sesame oil is known to be especially suitable for sautéing meat. And sautéing is when you cook food quickly in a small amount of oil or other fat in a skillet or sauté-pan over direct heat on your stove-top.

So there we have it! Another amazing benefit of sesame oil.

Sesame Oil Benefits: The Conclusion


So there we go! Academic research demonstrating a plethora of sesame seed oil benefits! Even in the case of diminishing cancer. As well as sesame seed oil’s benefits on protecting your heart. And its prevention from… Or slowing the process of aging! Indeed, sesame seed oil has an abundance of medicinal, culinary, cosmeceutical and nutritional benefits for all.

So give us your feedback on this article. Or suggest some changes or additions to our topic of discussion: فوائد زيت السمسم.

Thanks for Reading!

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