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زيت حبة البركة بالجملة

Our Latest Third Party Lab Test Results Show over 7% Thymoquinone Levels!

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Leading Black Seed Oil Wholesale Manufacturer

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For Decades!
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الحبشي زيت حبة البركة بالجملة

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المصري زيت حبة البركة بالجملة

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السوري زيت حبة البركة بالجملة

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Black Seed Oil With Highest Thymoquinone %

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Yes! Amazingly, our most recent array of black seed oil test results have produced our highest levels of thymoquinone. Not only that. But also we tested for volatile oil (%). Additional to fatty acid composition and more! So contact us today to procure our black seed oil with our highest thymoquinone %.

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Black Seed Oil With Another Amazing Active Constituent


This may be a gamechanger for you… So pay attention. As you may know many black seed oil companies advertise their black seed oil using it’s main active constituent… Thymoquinone. However, our black seed oil also contains another amazing active constituent… Thymol. Yes! In several academic research studies, different bioactivities… As well as pharmacological properties of Nigella sativa seeds were found to be due to Thymol. These properties include… Anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, radioprotective… And much more!

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Our Wholesale Black Seed Oil Is Available In:

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Large Steel Drums

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IBC Tanks

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Our Bulk Black Seed Oil Is:

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Cold-Pressed زيت حبة البركة بالجملة

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So in order to retain the rich fatty acid and antioxidant content in our black seed oil… We Cold-Press! So that means regulating the production temperature to avoid unwanted, excess heat. Thus, maintaining QA (quality assurance) standards in order to offer effective black seed oil wholesale to our global customer base. تواصل معنا for more on our Production Procedures.

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Virgin Cold-Pressed Black Seed Oil Wholesale

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Additionally, and in order to optimize the richness of our bulk black seed oil… Our black seed oil is not only Cold-Pressed… But it’s VIRGIN Cold-Pressed! Meaning that we cold-press our black seed oil One-Time. So, you receive first-press or first-time-press black seed oil. And to give you some scope on that… Our Virgin Black Seed Oil is Cold-Pressed on a 4:1 ratio. Meaning 4KG (approx) produces only 1 litre or 33.8 Fluid Ounces or 920 Grams (approx) of black seed oil.

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Unrefined زيت حبة السوداء

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Also… And we are proud to let you know that our wholesale black seed oil is UNREFINED! Or Raw Black Seed Oil. Meaning, our black seed oil does not undergo the heavy alterations or processes that other black seed oil manufacturers may subject their black seed oil to. But why…?

Simple… Our motto is ‘Nature Is The Origin’. So we like to keep things natural. Furthermore, we are advocates & participants in the Alternative Medicines Industry.Thus, it would not make business-sense for us to decrease the medicinal benefit of our products by refining them.

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نباتي زيت حبة السوداء

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So as you can imagine our Wholesale Black Seed Oil is Vegan. Meaning, it doesn’t contain any animal produce of any kind. And the simple reason for that is… It’s 100% Nigella Sativa Oil. That’s it! Nothing Else. Therefore, this easily brings it into the category of Halal Black Seed Oil.

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Bulk Black Seed Oil Business | As Usual

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Black Seed Oil Wholesale Suppliers

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Secure Your Black Seed Oil Wholesale Consignments Today!


So although we manufacture (cold-press), supply and export about 100 tonnes (or 100,000KG) of black seed oil per annum… We are bound to run out! Right? So why not secure your consignments so you’re always in constant supply! Simply contact us today for more.

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Litre of Black Seed Oil Equals =

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Kilograms of Black Seed Oil (approx)

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Gallons of Black Seed Oil (approx)

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زيت حبة السوداء بالجملة

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Black Seed Oil Benefits

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For more in-depth information on Black Seed Oil Benefits… Simply check out our article:

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Black Seed Oil Benefits | The Amazing Herb

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Curing Covid 19 Symptoms
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Recent academic research demonstrates that due the presence of bioactive components such as thymoquinone (TQ)… Nigella sativa could offer a range of benefits in treating symptoms associated with covid-19. Moreover, academic evidence strongly suggests that N. sativa may have significant therapeutic potential against (symptoms associated with) COVID-19 and it’s complications.

Thus, preventing and treating symptoms associated with COVID-19 and it’s complications with black seed oil may offer a more correct global response. Especially as the Nigella sativa has been shown to be safer than using pharmaceutical drugs.

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Subsiding Type Two Diabetes
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Numerous academic works have demonstrated the beneficial role of black seed oil in treating diabetes.

One study even found a significantly reduced fasting blood glucose level in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. And that was the results of just 5ml of black seed oil taken two times a day for 3 months! Furthermore, no side effects were reported! Contrary to pharmaceutical drugs.

So as diabetes reportedly accounts for 1 death every 5 seconds worldwide… Then the benefits of black seed oil in managing if not aiding to cure diabetes are imperative to global health.

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NO Significant Side-Effects
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Actually, a study by Ali and Blunden found that black seed oil and extract doesn’t induce significant adverse reactions to kidney or liver function. Nor significant toxicity. Furthermore, the study claimed that:

“N. sativa is safe to be used with no significant toxicological or adverse effect”

Therefore, black seed oil would be the safer option in a choice between it and pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, a recent study concluded:

“…Also to minimize the side effects it is better to use herbal drugs than allopathic drugs…”

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Abating Inflammation
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Astoundingly cold-pressed black seed oil has been shown to assist in achieving a minimal disease activity state in Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA). Which is known for patients suffering from swollen joints. As well as other symptoms.

Likewise, the Nigella Sativa has been reported as beneficial in treating Bronchitis. Which is characterized by a swelling of the bronchial tubes. Or tubes carrying air to the lungs.

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Relieving Pain
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Abdel-Fattah and colleagues found that oral administration of black seed oil (N. sativa oil) attenuated… Or reduced the nociceptive responses… Or feelings of pain in as concluded from different pain-inducing tests. Furthermore, these results support findings by Ibn Sina (or Avicenna). Whereby, he found the nigella sativa as a beneficial analgesic (or pain-killer) and/or treatment in a number of health issues. Such as:

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Improving Asthma
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A recent study demonstrated that orally consuming black seed oil (Nigella sativa oil) significantly decreased airway hyper-responsiveness. Which is is a characteristic feature of asthma. Thus, improving cardio-vascular health. Researchers thus concluded…

“These results suggest that the treatment with oral NSO (nigella sativa oil or black seed oil) could be a promising treatment for bronchial asthma in humans.”

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Boosting Energy Levels
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In Ibn Sina’s book, the famous… “Canon of Medicine”… He refers to the black seed as the seed:

“that stimulates the body’s energy and helps recovery from fatigue or dispiritedness.”

Furthermore, more recent information describes the blessed black seed as:

“providing quick energy.”

Additionally, some modern day researchers recommend using black seed oil as an energy tonic!

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Eliminating Acne
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Recent research has demonstrated the beneficial outcomes for sufferers of acne… When they use black seed oil as a treatment solution. For example in one recent study, researchers concluded:

“…The nigella sativa oil lotion [black seed oil] has proved its efficacy as a topical therapy for acne vulgaris. This is a new natural plant extract, which lacks any side effects…”

Furthermore, a simple search in google scholar will show you even more data in this area. Go for it!

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Very Low Toxicity
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Yes! And unlike suspect pharmaceutical roll-outs… Black Seed Oil can truly be attributed with safety for human consumption. Furthermore, it has been reported as having very low toxicity levels in academic research!

For example: 

Ali and Blunden found that black seed oil and extract doesn’t induce significant toxicity. Furthermore, the study claimed that:

“N. sativa is safe to be used with no significant toxicological or adverse effect”

Furthermore, black seed oil has for centuries been tested and trialed on human and animal populations. Which cannot be said about modern day pharmaceuticals. Some of which are even rushed into market without sufficient efficacy data! 

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How To Order | Step By Step

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زيت حبة البركة الحبشي بالجملة

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زيت حبة البركة المصري بالجملة

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زيت حبة البركة السوري بالجملة

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First Step | Let Us Know Your Black Seed Oil Bulk Requirements

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Yes! Firstly we need to know what you need. So that includes things like your black seed oil bulk quantity. Also the country or countries of origin you’d like to review pricing for. And likewise any shipping terms you prefer. Or any other preferences. So simply fill out our Wholesale Inquiry Form. And let’s get started!

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Step Two | Let us Get Back To You


Secondly, and after reviewing your requirements… Simply let us get back to you with the pricing. As well as any answers you require to your queries. Thereafter and once you’re well satisfied let’s close the deal!

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Step Three | Delivering Your Order


So once payment terms have been arranged and executed we can move on to packaging your order. And then dispatching your order based upon your preferred delivery instructions. Simple!

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Here’s Some Words Our Clients Use To Describe Us

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“many years on the world market of natural oils.”

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الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

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“The products are very good and amazing.”

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“Wonderful brand! High quality products!”

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“honest business and amazing customer service!”

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“Excellent company and service.”

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But no need to let them enjoy all the attention! Contact us today & let’s do some mutually beneficial & honest business! FYI: Feel free to request more reviews. As well as the above reviews in full.

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Your Shipping Options

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Air-freight Cargo

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Door To Door Courier

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Your Shipping Pathway | Your Choice

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At ELHAWAG, we understand how important shipping terms are. Quite frankly, they can make – or break any potential deal. Therefore, we are fully committed to working with you to make sure your order is delivered to you in the most suitable way to you! So whether that’s airline cargo. Express delivery courier services, like DHL, FedEx and UPS. Or even sea-freight… It’s your shipping pathway. So it’s your choice. And you have our full support!

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Shipping | Documents & Clearance


As an established manufacturer and supplier (licensed & registered) of black seed oil wholesale… We understand the intricacies of getting your goods to you. Therefore, allow us to provide you with whichever documents you may need for a hassle-free delivery of your goods. So simply let us know what you need so all documents can be prepared and ready. Easy!

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Black Seed Oil Wholesale Suppliers

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Kalonji Oil Suppliers

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How To Use Black Seed Oil

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So, in a general sense… It’s recommended that every dose of medication should be taken in the right dosage. Additionally, a small dosage may not actually benefit. But it’s less likely to harm. Meanwhile, an overdose is more likely to pose a risk. Therefore, consumption in large quantities does not necessitate that healing will be faster.

Nevertheless, we always recommend to consult a doctor especially if the condition requires medical attention. So here are some recommendations based upon academic research.

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Immunity Booster
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Firstly, a prophylactic is described as, ‘intended to prevent disease.’

And according to academic literature it’s recommended to take 1 teaspoon of black seed oil once or two times daily. This is for general therapeutic effects. Also, it’s recommended to take this dosage on an empty stomach at bedtime and (one hour) before breakfast. Additionally, the dosage may be taken mixed with raw honey. Or fresh juice.

Moreover, academic research indicates to the recommendation of black cumin seed oil being taken once daily as a preventative measure (prophylactic). Or as healthy maintenance supplement for overall immune boosting well-being.

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[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Protective Effect”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

Secondly, recent scientific research demonstrates black seed oil as a potent anti-cancer agent! As well as offering a ‘powerful protective effect’ against chemotherapy. And radiation.

Nevertheless, researchers recommend that for best achieved effects for a cancer patient… They are to take a daily dosage for at least three months. Moreover, it is recommended that the dosage should be continued for a considerable period of time.

Additionally, researchers recommend three daily teaspoons. In independent doses. In combination with both an exercise program. And likewise an efficient cancer diet. 

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Insomnia Treatment
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Thirdly, academic research has labelled black seed oil is a, ‘natural remedy for sleep.’

Furthermore, it is reported that black seed oil can help eliminate sleep disorders. Assisting sufferers to achieve better and more restful sleep.

As for the general dosage for insomnia… Then researchers recommend those suffering from insomnia to undertake the following instructions after having only a light meal. And avoiding sugary products before attempting to sleep. Thus, resting the pancreas:

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[/ux_text] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Disclaimer Information”]

Firstly, kindly take note to the following disclaimer. As a black seed oil wholesale manufacturer. And black seed oil wholesale supplier… We cannot guarantee that black seed oil is an adequate replacement for any prescribed medication. Prescribed by competent, qualified and trustworthy medical personnel. Furthermore, anyone taking medication should consult their (competent, qualified and trustworthy) doctor before using any herbal supplement. Likewise the same instruction for pregnant and breast-feeding women. Black seed oil should be kept away from eyes and other sensitive parts of the body.

Additionally, the information provided is not a warranty of any kind. Nor is it a diagnosis. Or a treatment. Likewise it is not provided as a cure. Nor a preventative for any disease. Or ailment of any kind. Finally, the user of this material (product) is solely responsible for determining the suitability thereof for any usage. Likewise, the user is solely responsible for requesting & reviewing the relevant safety information. Also, the user is solely responsible for compliance with any & all applicable legislation.

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Black Cumin Seed Oil Wholesale

[/ux_text] [/col] [/row] [/section] [section] [row] [col span__sm=”12″ text_depth=”1″] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”UK Google Search Phrases For Black Seed Oil”]

So here are some keyword phrases online users in the UK use when searching specifically for Black Seed Oil:


Different Phrases For Searching ‘Black Seed Oil’:


The United Kingdom of Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, UK)

Main Cities:

  • Doncaster
  • Rotherham
  • Southampton
  • لندن
  • Newcastle 
  • Nottingham
  • Bath 
  • Sunderland 
  • Liverpool
  • Barnsley
  • Bristol
  • Leicester 
  • ادنبره
  • Sheffield
  • برمنغهام
  • Bradford
  • بلفاست
  • Derby
  • Wolverhampton
  • Leeds
  • Portsmouth


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[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”USA Google Search Phrases For Black Seed Oil”]

So here are some keyword phrases online users in the USA use when searching specifically for Black Seed Oil:


Different Phrases For Searching ‘Black Seed Oil’:


The United States of America (US or USA)

List of America’s 50 states. Along with the capital city of each state.

California – Sacramento

Alaska – Juneau

Arizona – Phoenix

Arkansas – Little Rock

Alabama – Montgomery

Iowa – Des Moines

Connecticut – Hartford

Louisiana – Baton Rouge

Florida – Tallahassee

Georgia – Atlanta

Hawaii – Honolulu

Idaho – Boise

Illinois – Springfield

Indiana – Indianapolis

Colorado – Denver

Kansas – Topeka

Kentucky – Frankfort

Wyoming – Cheyenne

Maine – Augusta

Maryland – Annapolis

Minnesota – Saint Paul

Michigan – Lansing

Massachusetts – Boston

New Hampshire – Concord

Missouri – Jefferson City

Utah – Salt Lake City

Virginia – Richmond

Nevada – Carson City

Mississippi – Jackson

New Jersey – Trenton

New Mexico – Santa Fe

Vermont – Montpelier

North Carolina – Raleigh

Montana – Helena

Ohio – Columbus

South Carolina – Columbia

Oregon – Salem

Pennsylvania – Harrisburg

Rhode Island – Providence

Oklahoma – Oklahoma City

South Dakota – Pierre

Tennessee – Nashville

Texas – Austin

North Dakota – Bismarck

New York – Albany

Nebraska – Lincoln

Washington – Olympia

West Virginia – Charleston

Wisconsin – Madison

Delaware – Dover


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[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Australia Google Search Phrases For Black Seed Oil”]

So here are some keyword phrases online users in Australia use when searching specifically for Black Seed Oil:


Australian Cities:

  • Liverpool (Australia)
  • City of Coffs Harbour
  • Albury
  • Bathurst
  • Blue Mountains
  • Campbelltown
  • Cessnock
  • City of Lismore
  • Goulburn
  • Lithgow
  • Sydney
  • Dubbo
  • City of Shoalhaven
  • Newcastle
  • Parramatta
  • Penrith
  • Queanbeyan
  • Tamworth
  • Wagga Wagga
  • City of Fairfield
  • Wollongong
  • City of Blacktown
  • Grafton
  • City of Canada Bay
  • Armidale
  • City of Randwick
  • Orange
  • City of Griffith
  • City of Hawkesbury
  • City of Lake Macquarie
  • City of Maitland
  • City of Ryde
  • City of Shellharbour
  • City of Willoughby
  • Broken Hill

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لماذا أتعامل مع الحواج؟

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أكثر من ٨٠ عاما من الخبرة
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”And Counting…”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

نعم! ٨٤ عامًا من الخدمة والتوريد بأعلى مستوى. تأسست منذ ما يقرب من قرن من الزمان ... لذا فإننا نتطلع إلى ما يمكن اعتباره يوبيل الجرانيت ٩٠ سنة في مجال الأعمال...

ندعوك أن تتواصل معنا اليوم حتى تكتشف ثمار أكثر من ٨٠ عاما...

يمتد على مدى ٣ أجيال من تراث في صناعة الأدوية الطبيعية! نعم استفسر الآن وتعرف على are a leading black seed oil wholesale supplier!

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أفضل جودة
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”For Your Needs…”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

As we are truly an experienced black seed oil manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler and distributor… We understand the importance of quality!

نعم! نحن نعلم أنه ليس كل المشترين يتبعون نفس الشيء! لذلك، نحن نقدم أفضل الجودة لاحتياجاتكم التجارية

So, if you are after higher quality bulk black seed oil to compete in luxury or premium markets… Look no further than us! Also, if you are targeting a more economy range… The we are at your service once again!

[/ux_text] [/accordion-item] [/accordion] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″ text_depth=”1″] [featured_box img=”356″ inline_svg=”0″ img_width=”227″ pos=”center”] [ux_text text_align=”left” text_color=”#319d54″]
أسعار منافسة
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Increase Your Margin!”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

Ok! You probably here this from all black seed oil wholesale companies… So what makes الحواج مميزة؟ حسنًا، نحن نطبق بوليسة سعرا واحدا لجميع الزبائن. بمعنى أنه أينما كنت في العالم...

نحن نقدم لك نفس السعر مهما كان الأمر

هذا يعني أنه حتى لو كنت في Moscow, Osaka أو Chicago… يُعرض عليكم نفس الأسعار التي تُعرض على نظرائك في Paris, Los Angeles أو São Paulo نعم! لكم... أينما تكونون... إنه سعرا واحدا للجميع!

[/ux_text] [/accordion-item] [/accordion] [/col] [/row] [row style=”large” width=”full-width” h_align=”center”] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″ text_depth=”1″] [featured_box img=”398″ inline_svg=”0″ img_width=”227″ pos=”center”] [ux_text text_align=”left” text_color=”#319d54″]
الشفافية الفائقة
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Exceptional Selling Points”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

As black cumin seed oil wholesale distributers… Yes! We know retail! So, we understand how important it is for you to have transparency on the natural goods you procure from us.

لذلك، يمكننا تزويدكم بمواصفات واسعة لمنتجاتنا.

So, these include – but are not limited to – application (food grade, topical, full-spectrum etc). Extraction/production method. Grade (virgin for example). Processing (Filtered for example). COA , TQ thymoquinone & other analyses. All of which you can use as amazing points-of-sale!

[/ux_text] [/accordion-item] [/accordion] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″ text_depth=”1″] [featured_box img=”402″ inline_svg=”0″ img_width=”227″ pos=”center”] [ux_text text_align=”left” text_color=”#319d54″]
خيارات متعددة
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”For You To Choose From”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

نعم! عند الحواج we try to cater to the diverse needs of our international customer base. So, that means we got you covered if you need a container or two sent to you in the سنغافورة عند Keppel, Pasir Panjang or Tuas. Or even if you just want a sample order of 20KG’s توصيلها عبر البريد الدولي إليك Berlin.

علاوةً على ذلك، يمكننا أن نقدم لك الأسعار بعملات متعددة واختيارات مختلفة من شروط الشحن.

So, for example we can offer black seed oil bulk in KG, Litres & Gallons. As well as pricing in USD ($), EUR (€) & GBP (£), to cater to our clientele in the Globally, as well as in Europe & the UK specifically!

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مدفوعات آمنة
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Online & Offline”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

نحن نقدر تمامًا أن إجراء دفع آمن وسهل أمر لا بد منه!

لذلك عندنا في الحواج offer multiple black seed oil wholesale payment options to suit your needs. For example if you prefer to pay in via an electronic payment gateway then we can arrange payment via a link. Using internationally renown platforms like *

* *

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Bulk/Wholesale Purchase
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Supplying Suppliers”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

Seriously… We proudly supply other black seed oil suppliers! Yes! Due to our substantial capacity we are able to supply other companies… These companies are then able to sell on our natural goods (wholesale or retail or both) after purchasing bulk/wholesale from… And  still make a considerable margin! Now that can only be due to amazingly competitive pricing on our part… واستفد من منتجاتنا وأسعارنا الممتازة!


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ELHAWAG Branded Purchase
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Embrace Our Brand!”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

اكتب 'الحواج' in any search engine… Then go to images… Done it?! If so, then you can probably see how many of our customers just leverage our brand to maximize their own profits! It’s probably the fastest entry into any market… Yes! This form of re-selling arguably requires the least amount of effort. Also most if not all supermarkets, hypermarkets and department stores do this. Likewise smaller grocery stores, corner-shops & kiosks!

لذلك لا داعي لإنشاء مارك جديد... لا! فقط تصفح مجموعتنا من الزيوت الطبيعية ومستحضرات التجميل... للحصول على بضائع عالية الجودة من ماركنا العالمية المتنامية الجاهزة للبيع!

[/ux_text] [/accordion-item] [/accordion] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″ text_depth=”1″] [featured_box img=”437″ inline_svg=”0″ img_width=”227″ pos=”center”] [ux_text text_align=”left” text_color=”#319d54″]
التصنيع للغير Purchase
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Make Your Mark!”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

Don’t you want to differentiate yourself from your black seed oil competitors?!

Build customer loyalty… And in turn retain your customer base for future orders? Also, did you know that in the United States of America (USA) just last year the retail sales of consumer packaged goods under private label reached almost 200 billion USD!

فلماذا لا تأخذ حظك من سوق التصنيع للغير؟

لماذا لا تضع على منتجاتك ماركك! لا تدري كيف؟

نحن في الحواج نقدم لك بكل فخر خيار التصنيع للغير لمنتجاتنا الطبيعية العديدة المتنوعة.

نعم! لماذا نأخذ الفضل في الحلول الصحية ونمط الحياة التي توفرها منتجاتنا لمشاكل عملائك؟! ألا تستحق هذا التقدير؟! 

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International Shipping متعددة
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Transporting Treasures”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

So, once you are satisfied with your black seed oil wholesale order… Let us work together to organize the exact type of delivery service that suits your business needs. Yes! With our extensive network of third party shipping options it doesn’t matter where you are… Even if you are in Sydney, Miami حتى في Milan in Italy! فقط دعنا نعرف طريقة الشحن المفضلة لديك. وخلاص! جوي أو بحري we proudly offer you multiple transport options… So you can receive your goods efficiently. As we as timely!

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Multiple Currencies Accepted
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”USD | GBP | EUR”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

So as part of our internal developments to better facilitate the needs of our international customer base… We are now able to accept payments in different currencies. Namely – the GBP (British Pound Sterling)… The official currency of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and its territories. Likewise, the اليورو... التي هي العملة الرسمية للاتحاد الأوروبي المعتمدة من قبل ١٩ دولة من أصل ٢٧ دولة عضو. Also the worlds second most traded currency. And the second most popular currency. Likewise, الدولار... أو العملة الرسمية للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. أيضا العملة الأكثر استخداما في العالم. 

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Extraordinary Investment
[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [accordion] [accordion-item title=”Secure Income Streams”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

So, as the pharmaceutical industry exploits the ignorance of the masses… You are here to re-educate them with an authentic education. Yes! Nature is the Origin. And we are here as your long-term black seed oil supplier to assist you each step of the way! So, what’s stopping you from investing in virgin cold-pressed unrefined black seed oil wholesale from the organic earth we live upon! Isn’t the natural way the best way? So why not reap the lucrative rewards of the many millions if not billions of worldwide consumers returning to natural healing methods.

So, be the company that they associate with the amazing healing impact of the black seed oil we supply you today! 

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